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Advisory Committee on Sustainability


The Advisory Committee on Sustainability (ACS) advises the Chancellor of University California, San Diego through the Vice Chancellor – Operations Management and Capital Programs regarding sustainable methods and practices regarding the planning design, development, management, programs and operations of the Institution. The purpose of the ACS is to provide a forum to bring together academic programs, facility planning, design and construction and campus operating interests in sustainability.

The committee will engage Faculty, students and staff while putting into practice the principles of environmental stewardship in its operations and will consistently identify areas of improvement in order to continue to drive greater understanding in the earth sciences and related fields.

Sustainability Defined “the ability to improve and sustain the quality of human life and experience within the capacity of supporting systems, both natural and man made.”

ACS committee members agree to:

  • Meet once per quarter, or as needed, during the academic year.
  • Share information about education, research, outreach, planning, and operational activities in the context of environmental stewardship and sustainability with the implicit intent to develop policy and goals that guide individual units across the organization.
  • Foster a culture of sustainability across the University by being ambassadors and models of sustainability in their representative departments or units.
    • Establish a “Green Team” with discrete representation from each department or designated group on campus.
    • Facilitate efforts of the “Green Team” working groups and carry forward recommendations to VC-OMCP.
  • Promote the sustainability achievements of the University by participating in initiatives like the annual Sustainability Awards program and the like.
  • Make recommendations, supported with fiscally responsive analysis, on sustainability programs, policy and services, to VC-OMCP.

Individual committee members or their designees are responsible for multi-directional communication, specifically members agree to, but not limited to:

  • Provide progress updates and committee meeting overviews to their representative departments, units and associations (i.e. Associated Students, Graduate Student Association, Postdoc Association, Faculty Senate, Staff Association, etc.)
  • Share progress updates, feedback, and recommendations related to sustainability from their representative departments, units and associations with the ACS.
  • Participate on subcommittees or working groups when needed to review specific issues and develop specific projects. All issues and projects will be reviewed by the committee and added to recommendations made to VC-OMCP.

The Advisory Committee on Sustainability includes representatives from faculty, staff and students (both graduate and undergraduate), including leaders of key campus organizations already involved in environment and sustainability activities. Representatives are appointed by the Faculty Senate, Associated Students, Graduate Student Association, Staff Association, Health System, Medical School, etc. The ACS is chaired by a designee of the Vice Chancellor – Operations Management and Capital Programs.

Committee Members

See the current member list.


Contact Marie-Pierre Murry, (858) 534-6821.