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Design Review Board


The Design Review Board (DRB) is charged with the review of facilities design and major landscape projects to ensure they are architecturally appropriate and consistent with the Long Range Development Plan and UC San Diego planning principles as specified in the Master Plan and Design Guidelines.


The Design Review Board advises the Chancellor of University California, San Diego through the Vice Chancellor – Operations Management and Capital Programs regarding facilities design and major landscape projects to insure they are architecturally appropriate and consistent with the Long Range Development Plan and UC San Diego planning principles as specified in the Master Plan and Design Guidelines.


Typically, each project will be presented to the Board three times: (1) When the Executive Architect is in the initial stages of considering solutions (pre-design), (2) When the Executive Architect is prepared to present design alternatives and a recommended solution (concept presentation), and (3) When the schematic design is near finalization, but changes are still possible (final schematics). A fourth presentation may be requested by the Board to review proposed exterior materials and color.  An additional presentation will be required if the project, as approved by the Board, is substantially modified by value engineering or other issues.

Each presentation will be comprised of open and closed sessions. The open session will include the presentation by the Executive Architect, questions from the Board, and the Board’s recommendations. The closed session allows the Board candid discussions to arrive at a consensus position for its recommendations.  The only participants in the closed session will be the Board members, Board staff and the UC San Diego project manager.

The DRB meets the first Wednesday of each Month, if and when there are projects to be presented.  In addition to monthly meetings, the DRB may participate with the Campus Architect in evaluating the design exercise in the selection of Design Builders.

Projects may also be reviewed by DRB via delegated email process off cycle at the discretion of the Vice Chancellor – Operations Management and Capital Programs and the Campus Architect.

The DRB will articulate its recommendations without being deferential to or overly trusting of the design architects. Under justifiable circumstances the DRB may, if necessary, make recommendations to the chancellor through the Vice Chancellor – Operations Management and Capital Programs regarding the termination of relations with the Design Architect.

The DRB will consider C/CPC (Campus/Community Planning Committee) comments prior to the final schematic DRB presentation.

The DRB process must be completed prior to submission for Regent design and environmental approval. Presentations to the DRB will be made by the Executive Architect, assisted by staff from Capital Program Management and the Office of Community and Physical Planning, as appropriate.

Committee Members

See the current member list.


Contact Marie-Pierre Murry, (858) 534-6821.