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Public Records Requests

Policy & Records Administration manages requests for UC San Diego records made under the California Public Records Act and the California Information Practices Act. We work with departments to respond to records requests, assist members of the public seeking access to records, and offer ongoing guidance and support to the campus on matters related to information privacy and public access.

To begin your records request, access our public portal below.

Start Request

Other Types of Records Requests

Auditor Requests: For any records request associated with an external audit or review (other than the UCSD annual financial review performed by The Regents’ auditing firm), contact Audit & Management Advisory Services (AMAS), (858) 534-3617.

Background Investigations and Disciplinary Records: Requests from federal agencies and other authorized parties for background investigations may be submitted through our public records portal. They can also be faxed to our attention at (858) 534-6523.

Certified Payroll Records: To request certified payroll records available pursuant to Labor Code 1776, contact Jessica Cuevas, (858) 534-1991.

Employment Verifications: Employment and income verifications for UC San Diego employees are available through UCPathFor more information or assistance, contact Campus Human Resources, (858) 246-3570.

Medical Records: Guidance on requesting copies of your medical records from the UC San Diego Medical Center is available from Health Information Services.

Statement of Economic Interest (Form 700): To obtain the Form 700 filing of a UC public official, you may email a request to or contact the Office of the General Counsel, (510) 987–9800.

Subpoenas: Generally, only Risk Management is authorized to accept service of a subpoena involving UC San Diego business. Contact Risk Management, (858) 246-1857.

Transcripts and Enrollment Verifications: The Registrar’s Office processes requests for official transcripts and verifications of student enrollment.  Contact Transcripts and Verifications, (858) 534-3150 for assistance.

Transcripts and Enrollment Verifications (UC San Diego Extension): The Student Services office processes requests for official transcripts and verifications of student enrollment for UC San Diego Extension. Call (858) 534-3400 for assistance.

Other UC Information Resources

Accountability Dashboards: Data monitoring UC San Diego’s progress in creating an inclusive campus are presented in a series of interactive dashboards.

Annual Report: An overview of campus accomplishments, ongoing activities, and future trends for each fiscal year, including financial statements and useful facts and figures about the UC San Diego campus.

Student Statistics: Official statistics and reports on undergraduate student admission, enrollment, and graduation at UC San Diego.

Reporting Transparency: Provides the UC community and the public, including investors, with easy access to a range of financial information about the University of California, in support of similar transparency efforts undertaken by the state of California.

UC Accountability Report: Provides an annual comprehensive assessment of the University of California’s progress in meeting key teaching, research, and public service goals across its 10 campuses.

UC Information Center: An extensive repository of reports, tables, and self-service data tools to access current data on University of California operations—its students, faculty, staff, finances, outreach programs, and other topics.

UC Information Practices Coordinators: Lists the points of contact for public records requests at each University of California campus.

Contact Us

Mailing Address

Public Records
Policy & Records Administration
9500 Gilman Drive, MC 0014
La Jolla, CA 92093-0014

Staff Contacts

Stasi Chase
(858) 534-3394

Kelley Walker
(858) 534-3393