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Institutional Biosafety Committee


The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is advisory to the Chancellor through the Vice Chancellor of Operations Management and Capital Programs (VC-OMCP) on all matters relating to the safe use of hazardous biological materials and organisms, and work with recombinant or synthetic nucleic acids *. It is the IBC’s responsibility to establish, monitor, and enforce policies and procedures which meet or exceed applicable norms or regulations for biohazardous materials and/or recombinant or synthetic nucleic acids*. Any use of biohazardous materials and/or recombinant or synthetic nucleic acids must be reviewed and approved by the IBC (or the Biological Safety Officer operating within guidelines established by the IBC). The IBC has the authority to impose disciplinary measures in cases where there is willful or negligent violation of UC San Diego's established biosafety practices and procedures. The sanctions are subject to review and/or modification by the chancellor.

The IBC shall maintain diverse membership representing the community and a variety of university interests. Membership is compiled, based on compliance with NIH Guidelines as well as representation from various departments, divisions, and schools on campus. All members are versed in the NIH Guidelines as well as other appropriate regulations. Members are appointed or invited to serve by the VC-OMCP. Non-committee faculty or staff with a particular expertise are asked to advise the committee when the need arises.

* The Human Gene Transfer/Human Gene Editing Institutional Biosafety Committee (HGT/HGE IBC) is in place for the purpose of reviewing all matters relating to the safe use of hazardous biological materials and organisms in Human Gene Transfer clinical trials. This Committee has a separate Charge, NIH Committee Registration, and appointed membership.

Committee Members

See the current member list.


Contact Marie-Pierre Murry, (858) 534-6821.