Laser Safety Committee
The Laser Safety Committee advises the chancellor through the Vice Chancellor – Operations Management and Capital Programs on all matters relating to laser safety, for reviewing and approving all proposed uses of laser radiation, and for advice and guidance in carrying out the UC San Diego's Laser Safety Program.
A quorum of this committee, consisting of at least five members, including the Laser Safety Officer* (LSO), is necessary to conduct business. For approval, any proposed laser use must have unanimous approval of all LSC members present, thus providing assurance to the chancellor and to government officials that the proposed use and the experience of the personnel involved are such as to promise adherence to adequate standards of laser safety.
The chair shall convene the committee as often as is necessary to consider all aspects pertinent to laser safety. A quorum shall consist of the chair (or his/her designee), the LSO, a representative from each area of use from which specific issues will be discussed and any other member whose field of expertise is necessary for the discussion is considered acceptable. Committee business may be conducted via e-mail ballot where members may vote to tentatively approve proposals. Final approval voting will be conducted at the next scheduled LSC meeting.
Standards outlined in the most current printing of the "American National Standard for the Safe Use of Lasers," published by the American National Standards Institute, Inc., will be utilized as a guide by the committee.
Committee Members
See the current member list.
Contact Marie-Pierre Murry, (858) 534-6821.